Michigan Anabolic Steroid Law

ArborYpsi Law

Anabolic Steroids are a Schedule 3 Controlled Substance, which means it is illegal to use or possess anabolic steroids without a prescription.

What is an Anabolic Steroid?

An anabolic steroid is a type of drug that promotes muscle growth. These drugs are used by bodybuilders and athletes because of the potential to increase athletic abilities and muscle mass.

Steroid use in the athletic setting began in the Olympic games in the fifties and sixties by Eastern European nations seeking an advantage. Steroid use became well known to the public with Mark McGuire and other baseball players, who used Androstenedione to boost their home run count.

The attention our national pastime received from this publicity resulted in anabolic steroids being classified as a Schedule 3 Controlled Substance in the early nineties. Schedule 3 means there are accepted medical uses of the drug but there is some potential for abuse.

Medically, steroids can be used with patients who have low testosterone, those suffering from testicular cancer, or perhaps where a patient has suffered severe weight loss.

Pressures on athletes have lead to anabolic steroid use in many settings, from high school football to Tour de France cycling.

Possession of Anabolic Steroids

As a Schedule 3 Drug, possession of an anabolic steroid is a felony, punishable by up to 2 years in prison, a $2,000 fine, or both.

Use of Anabolic Steroids

The use of anabolic steroid is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in jail, a $1,000 fine, or both.

Sale of Anabolic Steroids

It is against the law to sell anabolic steroids or possess with the intent to sell them. Such acts are felonies, punishable by up to 7 years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both.

Driving Under the Influence of Anabolic Steroids

It is against the law to drive under the influence of a controlled substance. Can you get a DUI for anabolic steroids?

It would seem unlikely. Driving under the influence means a person’s ability to drive in a normal manner has been substantially affected by a drug.

Steroid use does not produce an immediate high in the same way a drug such as a sedative or amphetamine would. Steroids do not produce effects in the body for hours. In addition, persons using steroids generally follow a several week-long regimen known as “stacking” to produce the full results from steroids. The effects are gradual, rather than sudden and overwhelming.

Furthermore, steroids do not produce the impairing effects that your run-of-the-mill recreational used drugs do. While steroids do have negative side effects from prolonged use, steroids do not negatively effect coordination, depth perception, and attention in the manner of drugs such as alcohol or inhalants.

In contrast, steroids used by athletes generally enhance physical abilities (that’s why they are called performance-enhancing drugs). This makes it unlikely a person would ever be charged with driving under the influence of steroids.

Common Examples of Anabolic Steroids

  • Testosterone
  • Methyltestosterone
  • Bolderone (Equipoise)
  • Methandrostenolone (Dianabol)
  • Stanozol (Winstrol)
  • Nandrolone (Durabolin, Dex-Durabolin)
  • Trenbolone (Finajet)
  • Ethylestrenol (Maxibolin)
  • Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)
  • Oxandrolone (Anavar)
  • Oxymetholone (Anadrol)
  • Androstenedione
  • Dehydroepiandrostenedione

Call us

Call Sam Bernstein at 734-883-9584 or e-mail at bernstein@arborypsilaw.com.

Sam Bernstein is a Criminal Attorney in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.

ArborYpsi Law is located at 2750 Carpenter Rd #2, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Learn More

  • Michigan Drug Laws
  • Michigan Ketamine Laws
  • Driving Under the Influence of Inhalants
  • People v. Brown: COA Discusses Steroid Laws

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Sam was a helpful lawyer who is a man of his word. He helped in our cases 2 times in a row with successful outcomes. I could not think of a better lawyer who is always on time to court, good attitude, smart, and honest. He is respectful and answers all of the questions we had. Two cases were both a...


It has been a couple of days since Sam represented my son in Washtenaw County. He gave me the miracle I prayed for. He did way more than I thought was possible and as I told him on the phone I would hug him if I could. If you ever need a good lawyer, this guy is the one to hire – and his prices are...


Sam took my call and consulted me immediately. He provided fair pricing for the legal services I was requiring. I hired him about a week before my case, he still took on the case load and did amazing work. He is an excellent attorney and a friendly person to be in the court room with when you’re in...


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