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Drug Crimes
Drug Crimes: Hire an Experienced Ann Arbor Drug Lawyer

Michigan has many laws that regulate the use, possession, sale, and operation of machinery under the influence of drugs and controlled substances. Sam Bernstein of ArborYpsi Law is an experienced Ann Arbor drug lawyer who has represented people charged with drug crimes ranging from DUIs to possession and drug dealing.
In Michigan, common drug use charges include:
- Drug distribution and sale
- Cultivation and manufacturing of drugs
- Possession of heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, Fentanyl, Ketamine, steroids, inhalants, and hallucinogens
- Controlled substance violations, such as Vicodin, Percocet, Ritalin, Xanax, and Valium
- Possession with intent to deliver
- Drug trafficking
- Illegally transporting drugs
- Sale of drug paraphernalia
- Prescription drug violations and offenses
An Ann Arbor drug attorney can review the state’s evidence and create an argument to the court that best represents you.
The Crime of Drug Possession in Ann Arbor
Possession of a controlled substance is probably the most common drug charge that you can face. The possible penalties you face will depend upon the type and quantity of the substance in your possession when you were arrested. In addition to possible jail time and heavy fines, a drug conviction could also change your life forever, damaging your reputation and making it difficult to find a job.
Fortunately, the fact that you have been charged with drug possession does not mean that you are automatically guilty. You are innocent until proven guilty, which means the prosecution has to prove its case against you. In order to convict you, the prosecution has to prove the following elements:
- You were in possession of drugs
- You knew that you were in possession of drugs
- You knew that possessing those drugs was illegal
The first element, possession, can be proven in one of two ways:
- Actual possession, where the drugs were found on your person such as in your pocket. To be candid, these cases may be hard to defend, but the prosecution must still prove the other two elements.
- Constructive possession, where the drugs were found somewhere that you had control over and access to. For example, drugs found in the glovebox of your car may constitute constructive possession.
The other two elements often depend on circumstantial evidence. An experienced Ann Arbor drug lawyer can evaluate the case against you and formulate an effective legal defense.
An Ann Arbor Drug Lawyer WiIl Fight Your Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Arrest
Another common drug charge is the possession of drug paraphernalia. Just like charges for the possession of drugs, you can be charged with possession of drug paraphernalia for either actual or constructive possession. Furthermore, you can face a paraphernalia charge even if you weren’t in possession of drugs. Even more troubling, common, everyday items such as Ziploc bags can result in a paraphernalia charge. An experienced Ann Arbor drug lawyer can challenge the charge and possibly get it quickly dismissed.
Possession With Intent, Drug Distribution, and Drug Trafficking
Possession with intent and other distribution-related offenses are much more serious crimes in Michigan. While simple possession is charged as a misdemeanor, charges related to the sale and distribution of drugs are felony charges, meaning that you could be facing a lengthy sentence in state prison.
You can be charged with one of these charges based largely on the amount of drugs in your possession. Possession with intent, for example, does not require the prosecution to actually prove that you engaged in the sale of drugs. Instead, they will simply point to the quantity as evidence that you intended to sell or distribute them at a later time.
Distribution-related offenses are often filed by over-aggressive prosecutors who are hoping that you will quickly accept an unfair plea agreement. Because the consequences are so severe, we strongly recommend that you speak with our Ann Arbor drug lawyer who can help you understand your options and fight for a fair result.
Sam Bernstein, an Ann Arbor Drug Lawyer, Will Work Hard to Build a Solid Defense
Sam Bernstein, an Ann Arbor drug lawyer, will thoroughly review the prosecution’s case in an effort to find holes, such as an improper search and seizure. If we can find a defense that proves your constitutional rights have been violated, the prosecution may choose to reduce or even drop the charges once we present our argument.
An Ann Arbor Drug Lawyer can help fight your case. We have fought many drug dealing cases. Often the prosecution charges a person with possession with intent to sell drugs when that is not the case. In these situations, we have to analyze the facts to show that our client was not selling drugs, even though drugs were in the client’s possession.
The Consequences of a Drug Conviction in Michigan
Even if the drug offense seems minor, it can carry lasting impacts, including fines, community service obligations, supervised release, and imprisonment. A second or subsequent drug crime conviction under Michigan law can result in severe financial penalties and jail time.
Aside from court punishments, a drug conviction can hinder your ability to get a job or lead a normal life. A drug crime conviction will, unfortunately, appear on a background check when you are seeking employment. If you are a professional that is licensed by the state, for example, a nurse or social worker your professional license could be in jeopardy. Sam Bernstein, an Ann Arbor drug lawyer, will work to mitigate these damages by advising you on the best actions to protect your reputation.
We Offer Free Consultations With An Ann Arbor Drug Lawyer
If you have been charged with a drug-related offense, you must contact an experienced attorney immediately to help prepare your defense. Attorney Sam Bernstein at ArborYpsi Law handles criminal-related cases, including drug charges. Contact us directly to arrange a free consultation.
Our team receives ongoing education in handling a variety of drug-related issues, including DUI field sobriety certification, DUI trial skills, and evidence collection conferences. We believe in staying up-to-date on the latest laws and defenses to better serve our community and clients.